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Oct.2024 monthly mean model biases

  • Monthly mean model bias (shaded) and forecast fields (contoured) are displayed.

    More information

    Please select regions and elements you want to display.

    Northern Hemisphere

    Height Temp Zonal wind
    250hPa z250 t250 u250
    500hPa z500 t500 u500
    850hPa z850 t850 u850
    Mean sea level pressure


    Height Temp Zonal wind
    250hPa z250 t250 u250
    500hPa z500 t500 u500
    850hPa z850 t850 u850
    Mean sea level pressure

    Southern Hemisphere

    Height Temp Zonal wind
    250hPa z250 t250 u250
    500hPa z500 t500 u500
    850hPa z850 t850 u850
    Mean sea level pressure
  • Oct.2024 Monthly mean model biases
    850hPa geopotential height

    The contour interval is 60m.