The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) fulfills the following international roles, each designated as Global Information System Centre (GISC) or Data Collection or Production Centre (DCPC) duties within the framework of WMO Information Systems (WIS).
- See About WIS for information on the concepts of GISCs and DCPCs.
- See What's new in WIS for information on differences in existing telecommunication systems.
GISC Tokyo
The Global Information System Centre (GISC) provides an entry point to WIS through the following functions, and acts as a regional coordinator for the real-time network.
- GISC Cache: services relating to global data (i.e., information intended for global distribution, traditionally exchanged via GTS) [bulletins]
- DAR Catalogue: consisting of metadata to be collected from the entire WIS
This GISC is also responsible for coordinating the area meteorological telecommunication network.
RTH Tokyo (DCPC)
Tokyo has long served as a Regional Telecommunication Hub for the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). Its roles include:
- Collection and dissemination of meteorological data and products within its area of responsibility
- Exchange of such data/products with other RTHs
Tokyo has three designations for roles as a Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) of the World Weather Watch (WWW) Programme. All involve DCPC status.
(1) RSMC Tokyo - Geographical (DCPC)
RSMCs with Geographical Specialization are responsible for providing regional analysis and short-term forecast products.
- Numerical Weather Prediction of JMA
- Catalogue of NWP Products (available at GISC Tokyo)
(2) RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center (DCPC)
The RSMC Tokyo mdash; Typhoon Center is one of six RSMCs responsible for analysis and forecasting of tropical cyclones. The Center conducts the following operations on a routine basis:
- Gathering of information on the formation, movement and development of tropical cyclones and associated meteorological phenomena
- Gathering of information on synoptic-scale atmospheric situations that affect the behavior of tropical cyclones
- Dissemination of the above information to National Meteorological Services (NMSs), and in particular to Members of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee.
A catalogue of Typhoon Center products is available at GISC Tokyo.
(3) RSMC Tokyo - ATM/EER Center (DCPC)
This is another RSMC type with activity specialization for atmospheric transport models, and is responsible for WMO's Environmental Emergency Response Activity. This center disseminates information directly to relevant NMHSs.
Satellite Center (DCPC)
JMA operates geostationary meteorological satellites and provides imagery to NMHSs.
- Operation of Himawari-8
- Catalogue of Satellite Products (available at GISC Tokyo)
RCC Tokyo (Tokyo Climate Center) (DCPC)
The Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) helps NMHSs to deliver better climate services. Its two major activities involve providing basic climate data and products to NMHSs through its website and assisting with capacity building at NMHSs in the Asia-Pacific region. TCC has been designated as a Regional Climate Center (RCC) in WMO RAII.
- Catalogue of TCC products (available at GISC Tokyo)
Global Producing Centre for Long-range Forecasts (DCPC)
Tokyo is also designated as center providing global long-range forecast products, which are made available via the TCC website.
- Catalogue of GPC products (available at GISC Tokyo)
The World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases is a World Data Centre (WDC) of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) programme. It collects, archives and provides data on greenhouse and related gases in the atmosphere and oceans as observed under GAW and other related programmes.
- Catalogue of WDCGG products (available at GISC Tokyo)