Profile & Samples - JMA High-Resolution GSM Data

File Path Naming Rule (Directories, Files)

Grid Interval Region Layer Initial Date Initial
File Name
/ 0.25_0.25/ 90.0_-5.0_30.0_195.0/ Surface_layers/ YYYYMMDD/ HH0000/ GSM_GPV_Rra2_Gll0p25deg_Lsurf_FDXXxx_grib2.bin
90.0_-90.0_0.0_359.75/ Surface_layers/ YYYYMMDD/ HH0000/ GSM_GPV_Rgl_Gll0p25deg_Lsurf_FDXXxx_grib2.bin
0.5_0.5/ 90.0_-5.0_30.0_195.0/ Surface_layers/ YYYYMMDD/ HH0000/ GSM_GPV_Rra2_Gll0p5deg_Lsurf_FDXXxx_grib2.bin
VVVVhPa/ YYYYMMDD/ HH0000/ GSM_GPV_Rra2_Gll0p5deg_LVVVV_FDXXxx_grib2.bin
90.0_-90.0_0.0_359.5/ Surface_layers/ YYYYMMDD/ HH0000/ GSM_GPV_Rgl_Gll0p5deg_Lsurf_FDXXxx_grib2.bin
Upper_air_layers/ YYYYMMDD/ HH0000/ GSM_GPV_Rgl_Gll0p5deg_L-pall_FDXXxx_grib2.bin


  • 0.25_0.25: 0.25 degrees (in grid interval)
  • 0.5_0.5: 0.5 degrees (in grid interval)
  • 90.0_-5.0_30_195.0: WMO Region II (bounded by 5S-90N and 30E-165W)
  • 90.0_-90.0_0.0_359.75 or 90.0_-90.0_0.0_359.5: global
  • Upper_air_layers: 1000 - 10hPa
  • VVVVhPa: VVVV hPa level
  • YYYYMMDD: initial date (e.g. “20181225” means “25 December, 2018”)
  • HH0000: initial time (e.g. “180000” means “18UTC”)

Profile (Regions, Grids, File Size)

Region Grid Interval Grid Size Layer Longitude Range Latitude Range File Size
WMO Region II 0.25 degs. 661×381 Suface 30E - 180 - 165W 5S - 90N 4MB
0.5 degs. 331×191 Surface 1MB
Upper_air (1000 - 10hPa) 500-700KB
Global 0.25 degs. 1440×721 Surface 0E - 180 - 0W 90S - 90N 17MB
0.5 degs. 720×361 Surface 4MB
Upper (all levels in one file) 50MB


  • Global area
  • WMO Region II area

Profile (Levels, Elements)

Level Number of
Surface 11 U, V, T, Rh, Ps, Psea, Rain, Cla, Clh, Clm, Cll
1000hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
975hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
950hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
925hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
900hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
850hPa 8 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg, Psi, Chi
800hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
700hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
600hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
500hPa 7 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg, Vor
400hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
300hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
250hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
200hPa 8 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg, Psi, Chi
150hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
100hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
70hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
50hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
30hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
20hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg
10hPa 6 U, V, T, Rh, Z, Omg


  • U: U (zonal) component of wind (m/s)
  • V: V (meridional) component of wind (m/s)
  • T: temperature (K)
  • Rh: relative humidity (%)
  • Z: geopotential height (gpm)
  • Omg: vertical velocity (Pa/s)
  • Psi: stream function (m^2/s)
  • Chi: velocity potential (m^2/s)
  • Vor: relative vorticity (1/s)
  • Ps: pressure (Pa)
  • Psea: sea surface pressure (Pa)
  • Rain: total precipitation (kg/m^2)
  • Cla: total cloudiness (%)
  • Clh: cloudiness (upper layer) (%)
  • Clm: cloudiness (middle layer) (%)
  • Cll: cloudiness (lower layer) (%)

Update Time Table

GSM Initial Time
Forecast Time
(days, hours)
Update Time
0000 0000 to 0512 0400
0518 to 1100 0700
0600 0000 to 0512 1000
1200 0000 to 0512 1600
0518 to 1100 1900
1800 0000 to 0512 2200

Surface Topography

Geopotential of the model surface of GSM is given in GRIB format files.
Geopotential divided by the standard gravity (9.80665 m2.s-2) gives the geopotential height above the mean sea level.

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